Nancy Foner
Fear, Anxiety, and Immigration in the Contemporary United States

Mo., 11. Dezember 2017, 19:30 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr
Evangelisches Bildungszentrum Hospitalhof, Büchsenstraße 33, 70173 Stuttgart
Veranstalter: Hospitalhof, American Academy in Berlin, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Zentrum Stuttgart

As the U.S. has been dramtically transformed by the massive immigration of the past half century, widespread fears and anxieties have emerged that immigrants will have trouble fitting in, will challenge or untermine core cultural beliefs, and spell the end of the dominance of existing advantaged groups. The lecutre focuses on several common fears and anxieties that have been especially salient recently: about unauthorized immigrants, about immigrants and crime, language and religion, and about racial change.

Mit Nancy Foner, Berthold Leibinger Fellow, American Academy in Berlin and Distinguished Professor of Sociology

Verschlagwortet mit: Menschenrechte, Migration & Flucht, Soziologie
Kacheln von GIScience Uni Heidelberg mit Daten CC-By-SA von OpenStreetMap

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